
Pootelle ( pronounced "poo - tail" )

So one day my friend Sarah and I went to Zephyrhills to visit a mutual friend and on our way back home, we stopped by the park. There were swing sets and the usual jungle gym and a big man-made lake to where there were many ducks all over the place. So we happened to have some bread in the car with us and started feeding them... Well, a couple minutes into it, we've got ducks surrounding us and we look over and lo and behold, this one white lonely duck starts to swim rapidly over to the land strip where we are and she has this weird thing on her head. It looked as if she was either the duck that the others didn't invite to the party (a sort of ugly duckling situation) or she was the queen bee around those parts from the way that the others scurried away from her. When she stepped upon the shore, the "thing" on her head was a fro of feathers which looked absolutely hilarious to us!...(or it could've been a tumor which wasn't funny at all). So we decided it was a fro because we could not stop laughing! I mean I'm talking falling down to my knees laughing so hard! One thing that made it worse was when she'd peck at the bread her poof of fluff on her head would topple over and back and fourth like it was top heavy! Then, the wind (it must have been one of the three windy days we have yearly in Fl.) would gust over and pull it way back or brush it to the side! This made me fall to the ground! We named her Pootelle. (Its an inside thing) but the name definitely fit. With us both voicing over what it looked like she was saying, we laughed so much at her, that I guess she got a little attitude with us ("stank" as my friend Kaleena would say) and she got back in the water and went all by her lonesome to the other side as if to say "bump dis' sh*t! I shol don't need yo stank ass bread anyways- Nah"! We watched her from behind floating away to the opposite side of the lake and the wind wafting her stupid ball on her head off to the side. It still makes me laugh to this day. You had to be there. The funny thing is that other people have encountered the same coiffed duck because I found Pootelle on Google. She must have opened up a duck salon or something. From the looks of it on Google images, it must be pretty lucrative...

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