
What The Hell Did You Just Say???

Ever see someone with features that you can only describe by an object or action that everyone around would comprehend??? For example... If someone has dark brown circles around thier eyes... One would probably say they have Gas eyes or "broon-roond" ( brown round ) or you could say it looks as if an elephant sat on thier face and pelleted a sham delega song on thier eye sockets...You're pobably going.. WTF?! That's what this lil' section is about. I have my very own languages .. Dialects such as: Fiou-Fiou (pronounced fyow-fyow) or Dwadda (pronounced dwuh-duh).Fiou Fiou is a form of speech used to mock a certain language that is very common but for personal reasons i'll keep that to myself. Dwadda is a characterized lingo that is derived from someone i met in my life who talked very strange and it morphed into something to mock her... and don't go feeling bad for this stranger.. if you knew what an hwawfwul stwupwid bwitch shwe was wou'd bwe pwokwing fwun hwat hwer twoo. Dwadda is simple.. you just add a "w" in front of every vowel in the English language almost in every instance of your speech.. however sometimes if a word begins with a vowel or letter"y" then you replace the vowel or "y" with a "w" and in a few cases to make the correct Dwadda sound, sometimes you throw an "h" before the "w" as in " hw" for the correct accent... In example the word "Angel" would be said and spelled "Hwangwel". Go on. Say it. Vwewy Gwood! Also, as you just saw i changed "very good" to "vwewy gwood" in this comment very good, we took the "r" that comes before the "y" and changed it to "wy". There's also a very strange sounding dialect called "Aloriat". This language is very simple to speak and write.. Simply add "ialoria" before every letter "t" where the word ends with the letter "t"as long as the word that ends in "t" has a vowel before that ending letter "t"...you switch the vowel to ialoria before the ending "t"... in example, duveet(which is our own word that means "don't even" would been changed to duvialoriat... as in "you... duvialoriat care about meeory!" ... and then there's the Uvula language (pronounced "of-a-la") and this is utilized kinda in the same manner as the aloriat dialect. To speak it, simply add "uvula" replacing the first and sometimes all vowels in almost any english word.. at times, you can add the Dwadda principle to it as well..in the example "go get me a coke please." It would translate to "guvulawo guvulawet muvulawe hwa cuvulawoke pluvulawease... or shorten it to "gwo gwet mwe hwa cwuvula (or the whole word "cwuvulawoke") plwease.. and in that last example the coke is the main emphasized word with the only Uvula dialect while making every other word in the dialect of Dwadda..It can be confusing i know but anyway...there's many more lingo's but you get the picture.
Here is a list of descriptive words you can use anytime.
  • petals
  • petal shams
  • dega
  • delega
  • dega dega
  • dega song
  • dega love roast
  • pellet
  • pellet posey
  • gas petals
  • kulupate
  • shewrot
  • dorot
  • betch
  • batch
  • biltch
  • deckin'
  • nellie pootsie
  • hush puppies - a closet case gwaylet
  • brown carnations
  • tiff-tiff please - another name for pretty please but with seriousness
  • peuneutrious - absolutely gross, stank, wretchedly putred, shewrot
  • shay petals
  • shams
  • dega medley - a series of musical winds made by my friend after she eats asian food.
  • beoweontce ( pronounced bee-oo wee-oontz & said incredibly fast )
  • ont lock ott - a "paris hilton-esque" way of saying "i don't like it!"
  • quelt
  • quelty roses
  • quelt bomb
  • cassie breant-gerber shamsy lang-lang
  • shakka-juanita-alfalfa-baretta-lounessa-sharnella-go-to-hella-pootelle
  • dixie-lahoya-meosha-pootelle
  • pootelle - a living thing with a huge poof ball shape hanging on its body preferable its head. (derived from a sassy little white duck that had a huge movable goiter ball (resmebling a huge white afro-puff) flopping in the wind on its head one day in a zephyrhills park... probably caused by breathing in all the poor toxins and redneck dega shams around the area-poor thing)
  • air pellets
  • de-ga de-ga kulupate ( pronounced dee-gah, dee-gah cuh-luh-pa-tee )
  • jesuke-bovon-me (pronounced jee-suck-ee buh-von-mee)
  • bong-zhuh / bong-du - soleil ( ban de soliel ) ( pronounced bong du-solayee )
  • pumpernickel pantyliner
  • brown comforter of sorts
  • brown mattress
  • brussellsprouts cauliflower pancake
  • pad of peaches (a dirty raunchy personal pad of the maxi persuasions i.e. a maxi pad)
  • paald
  • saald
  • oops .. me baald (oops.. my bad)
  • ladibleusha - a gay ass leg movement used in ballet or synchronized swimming where one pointed toe is flexed out and comes back to slap the other knee. (warning: if i see you do this, be very afraid to go to sleep that night)
  • shy violets - someone who is being shy and all "gay" about it.
  • poelle - another equally distasteful gay ballet foot movement to where the toe's tip of one pointed foot is put in front of the other leg to just tap the ground once. (warning: if you dothis, you shall die)
  • pumpkin dust
  • gas fairy
  • bogguan
  • neglected
  • doonraht
  • bonnet hole
  • proboscious - a huge bulbous nose
  • fralsh - very very fresh (exaggerated)
  • paltals
  • galce
  • meeory - me? ( in silly context )
  • duveet - don't even... as in: " you duveet care about meeory!"
  • jee-suke-ece-bovon meece
  • pecas colorias
  • skool
  • c-spray - stands for c*ntspray or evil bitchy person.
  • t-moah-tsi-bebbie!!! an ugly dirty bischon frise's nickname derived from " t- mozy baby "
  • t-moaht - an ugly dirty bischon frise'
  • lunchbox purse carrier - a person who thinks they are actually individually "cool" and different.. someone who uses the word "phat"..someone who tries too hard to be different but they're really just trying so hard to be like all the other poser children.
  • dwadda - another name for a way overdramatic pwerswon...wuswuallwy hwa luvulawesbwian.
  • chloes in the closet - a dwaddatwa or lesbionauticus hiding in the closet whispering as if to cometh hithereth.
  • ohlets - this is said after certain regular words to emphasize the severity or sillinessof the word before it.
  • broon-roond ( brown round ) - brown circles usually around tired eyes.
  • purple round ( purple round ) - purple circles usually around tired eyes.
  • broon-toon ( brown town )
  • watershams - also known as a ladyswamp sham, a watersham is smelly air in water
  • dookiebraits
  • fjuaholfualnce ( pronounced fwa-hull-fwalnts ) - a prissy whyrl - opposite of a hushpuppy
  • fjuaholls/fjuaholnce - a gway
  • whyrl/vyrl - a sound that says "i said!" that a fjuaholnce looks as if he says after every statement he makes.
  • dukilove
  • lillypad personals - a sham on a pald of peaches
  • dega frostine - a quelt or sham expelled by a female in the winter
  • pellet posey
  • estrogen rose - when a man is clearly taking estrogen to become a woman and looks "watery-soft"
  • mable stable - a horses stable. (duh!)
  • frittipitti - frangi pani ( a hawaiian flower used in leis)
  • turleycharley
  • purleypoopotts
  • murliepursies
  • dickeydickeyhaunie
  • fluffy pretty - this is my word to describe something fluffy or furry like my lambs fur from ikea.
  • juniper petals - a whipperwhil petal, or a quelt in the meadow mist expelled by a dykel
  • wovios ( as in "just about the wovios") - a thing or object, something, a kind or something
  • trisquit in my tromboll
  • beuwen beuw the sandunes of woovio - a wonderful coffeeshop song earworm
  • gramma gretel - a lil' ol' lady who usually is whacked out of her sweet lil' mind
  • do-dalu - a total frump
  • vulgar brown
  • iffn iffn iffn iffn iffnoa chahlimoa!
  • afghans
  • charlie marshall
  • paperplate pantaloons - poor people or bum underwear
  • gray & drab
  • kiltykaltkalcey - a long-haired gray persian cat named cassie or galcey
  • fannybag
  • melissa! - this is said (and done so very fast to sound like mullessa!!!!!!) when you "mean business!" as in... "I am serious! Melissa!"
  • aye! que fresco! oy!!!! - this is what someone says when you hear a brown sound.
  • pailsleys
  • beeblioriolop meekmeepliorialakplk! - this is said when something is gross and you "don't like it!"
  • dykelbonray/dykelbalnd/dykelbaundbaund - a dykels
  • tittibum
  • quelt bump
  • pyoof/pyoofits/pyoofits begonits
  • thoosant eelond
  • pwocapwutis

there's so many more ... I'll continue to list and then add thier meanings... If you're still like WTF?! thwen wouah jwust stwupwid jwou doah!?!