
Disgusting Creatures.

Monkeys.. They are hilarious. So closely resembling humans with their actions, seemed feelings, and facial expressions, etc... they crack me up! Once on a hot humid summer afternoon while visiting the Busch Gardens theme park in Tampa, my friend and i were watching the baboons. As you could expect, there was the usual mother baboon carrying her baby baboonette and some are eating the head lice out of the others hair and etc., BUT one sad little reclusive wild-haired thing had his/her back to the viewing glass sitting there showing off its disgusting ripe red spongy protruding bubbly tumor-esque cluster mound of a fanny (resembling a flamingo-pink colored mess of what looked like that spray-foam used in homes for insulation)... It actually backed it's baboon ass up against the glass and all you saw was this putrid, breathing deep dirty crevice hole open up releasing wet steam on the glass.. Me and my friend lost it!!!! It was by far the most gross and vulgar display of monkey action I'd ever seen.. Worse than the time we saw this cute little capuchin monkey flinging his nay-nay pebbles at the on-lookers... The best part was that as soon as he released his "air", his stupid little baboon head turned almost all the way around and looked at us and opened his mouth open wide to show his yellowed carefree teeth and gums while flaring his baboon nostrils as if to say "Ahhhhh!!!! Soooo very very very fresh!!!" and since that day, i can never look at a baboon and take them seriously as an interesting respectable living animal. They are so nasty.
Another sad primate creature is the proboscis monkey. They have little pointy noses that turn into huge bulbous phallic honkers the size of well.. you get the drift.. They make me laugh.. I mean, don't get me wrong, I really do hold a huge respect for every other living thing .. I just also have a very broad and different sense of humor and they make me laugh... Oh shut-up. If you were there, you'd laugh at them too. =)

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